Indeed – I do all kinds of ‘stuff’. I studied Fine Arts, then Art Management and continuously decreased my own artistic practise in the favour for curating exhibitions and supporting other artists or practitioners in developing their work. I spend my time with curating exhibitions, developing and running large scale international cultural projects or with supporting institutions, events or festivals project-wise. Within independent Herzblut-projects autonomy might be my strongest driving force while I treat research, dialogue and dissemination as important as a targeted practise.
More recently, I co-founded a member-based association for female leadership in the arts and – dang- also took on my first leadership role. So I took another step away from generating content in the favour for maintaining and improving structures that are necessary to sustain any artistic practise, in the first place. Making people produce awesome cultural value needs to go with producing awesome working conditions for them, too. In order to preserve the art of art-making, I find it crucial that we develop contemporary and sustainable leadership in arts and culture: through solidarity, courage and basic common sense. It won’t be a walk in the park. But art and culture needs to be restored as a place, where brilliantly educated people gladly work.
This website, at the meantime, accumulates documentation of independent and institutional(*) projects I initiated, carried out or participated in as well as a couple of links to institutions, networks or initiatives I was – truly- happy to work with. If you are interested, there’s some more. Feel free to have a look around and have fun with the content. Please make use of the ‘contact’ to contact me, if you like to contact me for any question of any kind.
(*) coming soon