all kinds of art stuff

lisa bensel

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It was quite a challenge to support Achim Mohné and Uta Kopp with their gobal project ONE EARTH UNIES MANY WORLDS.

And it was absolutely worth it.

Not only that I could join them to Johannesburg and Port au Prince, I also gained so  many impressions and experiences that it’s hard to believe it took less than a year to realize their inscription. The sentence is spread via five roofs on five continents and was authored by Peter Weibel for the ZKM GLOBALE.


installed in Taipei at Taipei Artist Village, in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, with Ghetto Biennale, in Kliptown, Johannesburg at SKY – Soweto Kliptown Youth, in Auckland at MIT, Manukau Institute of Technology and ZKM – Center for Arts and Media Karlsruhe.

More info and GPS coordinates to find all roofs in the virtual globe >>> on their website >>>


Great country with a great firewall..


Currently living in…

It’s on!

Please check out dates, schedules, venues and artists at
and be our guest.

Flyer_1_Currently living in_VS


Unglaublich! I’ll be part of HuTan Cultural Managers Exchange Programme by Goethe-Institut and Stiftung Mercator!

For this I’ll be matched with a Chinese tandem partner, joining me at all the ’stuff‘ I’m doing in Cologne and will be sent to China in reverse for getting to know about everything s/he’s doing there. The Programme starts with intensive theory courses in Germany at the end of August and finishes after a break at the beginning of December in China.

Six weeks in Shanghai and Beijing here we come! Can’t wait to go.

-> HuTan


Tinted Flakes – Annette Wesseling

Have a look at the solo-exhibition of Annette Wesseling at Kunstverein Unna. I wrote a text about her light-inspired interdisciplinary approach to painting and held an introduction at the opening. Please find the text and more images on her website.

Tinted Flakes – Exhibition view at Kunstverein Unna, image: Annette Wesseling


Publication available!

It’s been some time, but good stuff needs some time, sometimes:

Our publication arrived! Searching for the White Cube, an exhibition project I carried out with Sandra Jasper and many many supporters as an initiative from the MinusEins Experimentallabor led my Mischa Kuball from KHM 2013 in Bochum is finally documented and printed.

Searching for the White Cube  – edited by Lisa Bensel, Sandra Jasper und Mischa Kuball

It was a lot of work, but the book feels good in hands and contains not only documentation from the actual exhibition and performances in public space and at many off spaces in Bochum, but also additional reflective texts by authors as Eduardo da Conceicao, Vanessa Joan Müller, Georg Mallitz, Tobias Prinz and an interview amongst participants.

publication searching for the white cube

Thank you thank you to all who helped a lot and a long time – first and foremost Sandra and Ecki for their massive input.

25th roof

and it’s on.. the 25th roof of REMOTEWORDS, a project by Achim Mohné and Uta Kopp I could assist the past weeks, officially was opened during the 25 years ceremony of the KHM Cologne. This one sais ‚WHITE GROUND BLACK SQUARE‘ referring to Malewitsch‘ 1915 work, that also served as a base for the KHM Logo Design 25 years ago.

By scanning the (actually 121m² big) QR Code, flying-byers are directed to the website of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.


REMOTEWORDS 25 by Mohne und Kopp


A well written text about pixels and analog hacking is published in the KHM Journal N°2, btw.


you’ll find here some random news once in a while.


And once again, I love working for dancers… TanzFaktur sends me to the Draamamaa Showcase to have a look for some Estonian Dance Productions. Talliin, here we go! And let’s see if we can take some bits of your dance scene home to Cologne.



Harrow Den Bosch – It’s only been three years and I’ll go back to my academy! The AKV St Joost invited Ilse van Loon and me to hold a two days workshop seminar with all BA graduates of Fine Arts. Together we’ll end the session by recording interwievs with every student for a digital catalogue being presented at the Eindexamensexpositie. Very nice – looking forward to young artists and lots of questions.


And some of them went online! „In gesprek met 24 jonge kunstenaars – Eindexamen Beeldende Kunst AKV | St.Joost ’s-Hertogenbosch 2014. Een film van Ilse van Loon – Interviews door Lisa Bensel“

04-St.Joost film- Ilse van Loon

Heel trots op hun, hier 3 uit 24 op de vimeo van Ilse:

Rob Kusters over grensen
Janina Frye
die soms een toneel uit objecten maakt
Fang Mij voor wie het ego niet bestaat